Monday, May 4, 2009

Finally Some Good News!!

First of all I totally forgot to post the link for Mark and Kim with Baby Zach: Here you can post comments and see the dramatic change in Zach. He already looks so different! They are finally home and doing great.

We found out today that Greg's layoff is "temporary" and that the "new contract changes" haven't yet taken effect, therefore Greg will get paid most of his wages during the layoff. Whew. So....Europe here we come!! Hooray for good news!!

On top of that, he is at home everyday playing "house-husband" so laundry's going, dishes are getting washed and projects are getting accomplished! Wow, to have 2 months off to get things done and get paid, what a dream! I wish I could be there too, however I am just a phone call away :)
I seem to be able to direct the workforce over the phone quite well!

So that is our refreshing news for now. Keep fingers crossed that when Chrysler turns into Fiat the transition will be smooth and Greg will continue to have a job.
